Metal Material Recovery Facilities In Netherlands

Dutch metal material recovery facilities directory - showing MRFs companies in Netherlands that receive, separate and prepare recyclable metal materials.

Company Name Collection Services Materials Processed (tons/year)
Gijs Jansen Metaalhandel en Sloopwerken Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Gijs Janssen IJzer en Metaalrecycling Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Goedegebuure Metaal Recycling Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Goese Metaal Handel Zeeland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Gouwe Metaal B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial Metal Yes
GP Groot recycling Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Groenleer Metaalrecycling B.V. Zeeland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Guwo Recycling Overijssel Metal Yes
H. Been & Zn. Noord-Holland Metal Yes
H. Blom & Zonen B.V. Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
H. Drenth BV Groningen Metal Yes
H. Smit v.o.f. Drenthe Metal Yes
Hamilton Metaalhandel BV Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Handelsonderneming A.J.H. de Vries Flevoland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Harry de Kok Metaalhandel & Autodemontage Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Heesbeen Recycling VOF Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Heinhuis Recycling B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal, Organic Yes
Helmondse Schroothandel B.V. Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Henk Netten Oud IJzer & Metaalhandel B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Henwo oud ijzer en metaal Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Heros Sluiskil B.V. Zeeland Industrial Metal 100,000
Hilhorst Recycling B.V. Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
HKS Scrap Metals B.V. Noord-Brabant Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Metal Yes
Hoeben Metalen B.V. Overijssel Metal Yes
Hoekstra Recycling Deventer Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Hoffland BV Utrecht Industrial Metal Yes
Hofman Recycling B.V. Gelderland Metal Yes
Hohenwalt Recycling V.O.F. Limburg Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Holland Recycling Noord-Brabant Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Holties oud ijzer & Metaalhandel Drenthe Metal Yes
Hudales BV Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Huiskes Boer Metaal B.V. Zeeland Residential, Commercial Metal Yes
Huiskes Metaal B.V. Noord-Brabant Metal Yes
Huizinga Metalen Drenthe Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
HVC Groep Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
IJzer & Metaalhandel Stal Zuid-Holland Metal Yes
IJzer en Schroothandel B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
IJzer- en Metaalhandel Antoon Hinderiks VOF Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
IJzersterk B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial Metal Yes
Imex Metaal B.V. Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Interbaro Recycling Gelderland Metal Yes
J & B Pruymboom vof - Oud ijzer & Metaalhandel Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
J. Helmond & Zn. Metaalhandel BV Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
J. van der Walle B.V. Zeeland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
J. van Persie jr. Zuid-Holland Metal
J. Veldman en Zonen B.V. Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Jacobs-Lexmond Auto & Metaalrecycling Zuid-Holland Metal Yes
Jacomij Metalen B.V. Utrecht Metal
Jakiro Metaal Recycling Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Jan Hamstra ijzer en metalen Friesland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Jan Verhaegh B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Jan Verhoeven V.O.F. Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Jannie Calot B.V. Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Jansen Recycling & Transport bv Gelderland Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Jansen Recycling Group Zuid-Holland Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes 500,000
Janssen IJzer- en Metaalrecycling Limburg Metal Yes
Jeha Metaalrecycling B.V. Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal
Jewometaal Stainless Processing B.V. Zuid-Holland Metal 250,000
JK van den Dool B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Jobo Metaal Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Johan Donkervoort Metalen Gelderland Metal Yes
Joop van Daalen's Recycling BV Zuid-Holland Metal Yes
Jos Menten Metaalrecycling BV Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Jowa Recycling B.V. Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Jozef Verhoeven Metaalrecycling Limburg Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Kapteijn Metaal Recycling BV Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
KB Holding BV Noord-Holland Metal Yes
Kelders Boxmeer Noord-Brabant Metal Yes
Klein Recycling BV Zuid-Holland Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Koenen Kaatsheuvel B.V. Noord-Brabant Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Kometrec B.V. Gelderland Metal
Korlaar Recycling B.V. Utrecht Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Kouwen Oud IJzer en Metalen Zeeland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Kroeze Metal Groningen Groningen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Krommenhoek Metals Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Kruger Kabelrecycling Groningen Metal Yes
Kruyer Recycling B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
KS Recycling B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Kuijpers Metaalrecycling Noord-Brabant Metal Yes
KunststofSorteerInstallatie Friesland Plastic, Paper, Metal
Kuperus Metaalhandel Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Kwaliflex B.V. Noord-Brabant Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
L Treffers Metaalhandel Noord-Holland Metal Yes
L. van Dijk Oud Papier en Metalen bv Gelderland Paper, Metal Yes
L.H. van Bruchem BV Gelderland Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Langezaal BV Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Lion Metals B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Lotraco B.V. Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Lotterjouk Metal Recycling Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Lutgens Metaal BV Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
M.R.T Metals B.V. Zeeland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
M&R Metalen Nieuwleusen Overijssel Metal Yes
Malestein Recycling BV Utrecht Metal Yes
Martens Metaal Elst B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Meijering Recycling Drenthe Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Menten Hilkens Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Menten Metaal B.V. Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Mercury Recycling B.V. Limburg Metal Yes
Metaal Handel Groningen B.V. Groningen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal
Metaal Mijdrecht B.V. Utrecht Metal Yes