Metal Material Recovery Facilities In Netherlands

Dutch metal material recovery facilities directory - showing MRFs companies in Netherlands that receive, separate and prepare recyclable metal materials.

Company Name Collection Services Materials Processed (tons/year)
A. Aantjes Recycling Zuid-Holland Metal Yes
A. Jansen B.V. Noord-Brabant Plastic, Glass, Metal Yes
A. Struijk Oud ijzer en metalen Utrecht Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
A. Theunissen Wekerom B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
A. Van os & zn. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
ABC Metaal Recycling Drenthe Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
AEB Amsterdam Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal 1,400,000
Aerinnova B.V. Gelderland Metal Yes
Afvalstoffendienst 's-Hertogenbosch Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
AJ Treffers Schroot en Sloopwerken Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Aldomet BV Zeeland Metal Yes
AMR Metaal Recycling Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Amsing Recycling Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Amstelveense Metaal Recycling Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
ARM Afval Recycling Maastricht Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal, Organic Yes
Attema Metaal Recycling b.v. Noord-Holland Metal Yes
Attero Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal 50,000
Avalex Zuid-Holland Residential Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
AVS Recycling Overijssel Metal Yes
B. Nouris Schroot- en Metaalhandel Utrecht Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
B&L Metals BV Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Bakker Doetinchem Metaal Recycling Gelderland Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Bakker Metaal B.V. Noord-Holland Metal Yes
Bakker Wolters Metaalrecycling Hoogeveen Drenthe Metal Yes
Bal Oud Papier & Metalen BV Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial Paper, Metal Yes
Bart Hülters Metaalhandel Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Bechthold IJzer- en Metaalhandel BV Noord-Holland Metal Yes
Ben Jansen Metaalrecyling Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Bercon BV Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Bijkerk Recycling B.V. Gelderland Metal Yes
Blijham Recycling Groningen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Blokker Metaalrecycling B.V. Overijssel Metal
Bork Groep Drenthe Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Metal Yes
Borst Recycling B.V. Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Bos Recycling Groningen Metal Yes
Bosma v.o.f. Staalschroot en Non Ferro Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Bouwmeester Metaalrecycling Gelderland Metal Yes
Brantenaar Metals Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Brouwer Metaal VOF Noord-Brabant Metal Yes
Chris Struijk Metaalhandel Utrecht Metal Yes
Cohen en Krant B.V. Noord-Holland Residential, Commercial Metal Yes
Collin BV Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Corec Metaal Recycling Zeeland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Cronimet Holland B.V. Noord-Brabant Metal
D. Verheij Metaalhandel B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Daniëls Metalen Noord-Brabant Metal Yes
Daniëls Recycling B.V. Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Dar NV Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
De A&M Recycling Groep Zuid-Holland Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
De Graaf Groep B.V. Noord-Holland Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 50,000
De Haan & Zn. B.V. Zuid-Holland Metal Yes
De Leeuw Metalen B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal
De Oudijzerboer Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
De Rooij Metaalrecycling Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
De Visser Metaalhandel Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Delco Europe B.V. Noord-Brabant Metal Yes
Den Oudsten B.V. Overijssel Metal Yes
Deventer Metaal Recycling Overijssel Metal Yes
Do-Metals B.V. Zuid-Holland Metal Yes
Doldersum BV Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Dolphin Metal Separation BV Gelderland Metal
Drada Schroothandel en kabelverwerking Noord-Holland Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Drentse Metaal Recycling Drenthe Residential, Commercial Metal Yes
Dutch Scrap Recycling B.V. Noord-Holland Plastic, Paper, Metal
E. Kroon Wilnis B.V. Utrecht Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Eco Recyclers B.V Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Metal
Eerste Lelystadse Schroothandel B.V. Flevoland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Elcinco Accu’s & Metalen B.V. Zuid-Holland Metal Yes
Emmer Schroot- en Metaalhandel B.V. Drenthe Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Euregio Recycling B.V. Limburg Metal
Europe Metals B.V. Noord-Brabant Metal
European Metal Recycling B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
European Recycling Maastricht B.V. Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
F. van Mierle Papierrecycling BV Gelderland Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
Fa. Wieldraaijer Drenthe Paper, Metal
Fair Metals Noord-Brabant Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes 252
Ferro Recycling B.V. Friesland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Firma Dijksma, ijzer- en metaalhandel Friesland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Flevo Recycling Flevoland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Forest Metal Group Zuid-Holland Metal 100,000
Franke Edelmetaal B.V. Utrecht Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal
G. Brink Handelonderneming Drenthe Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
G. Schrijver BV Gelderland Plastic, Paper, Metal Yes
G&N Recycling Overijssel Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Gallantmetaal B.V. Gelderland Residential, Commercial Metal Yes
Gebr. Bakker Metaalrecycling B.V. Gelderland Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Gebr. Gerrits Metaalhandel Helmond B.V. Noord-Brabant Metal Yes
Gebr. Koot & Zn. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Metal Yes
Gebr. Swinkels Metaalrecycling B.V. Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Gebr. Timmermans B.V. Noord-Brabant Metal
Gebr. van Engelen Recycling B.V. Overijssel Metal Yes
Gebroeders Florack BV Limburg Metal Yes
Gebroeders Jansen BV Drenthe Metal Yes 25,000
Geelhoed Metaalhandel B.V. Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Geerlings Metaalrecycling B.V. Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Giersbergen B.V. Zeeland Metal Yes
Gijs Jansen Metaalhandel en Sloopwerken Gelderland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Gijs Janssen IJzer en Metaalrecycling Limburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Goedegebuure Metaal Recycling Zuid-Holland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes
Goese Metaal Handel Zeeland Residential, Commercial, Industrial Metal Yes