Metal Recycling Plants In Other Europe

Other European metal recycling plants directory - showing companies in Other Europe that process metal waste into new materials. 63 metal recycling plants based in Other Europe are listed below.

Company Name No. Staff Materials Processed (tons/year) Capacity (tons/year)
"Cometech" OOD Bulgaria Bulgaria Ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots
"Fenix Invers" OOD Bulgaria Bulgaria Al Alloy Ingots 1,200
“Stam Trading” JSC Bulgaria Bulgaria Al Alloy Ingots 14,400
ABS Sisak d.o.o. Croatia Croatia St Ingots
Affilips N.V. Belgium Belgium Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots
Albomay d.o.o. Slovenia Slovenia Al Alloy Ingots
Alro S.A. Romania Romania Al Alloy Ingots
Alu-Block Kft. Hungary Hungary 60 Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots 12,000
Alumetal Group Hungary Kft. Hungary Hungary Al Alloy Ingots 60,000
Alumetal Poland sp. z o.o. Poland Poland Al Alloy Ingots
AMA Recycling Albania Albania Al Alloy Ingots
AMS Metal Sp. z o.o. Poland Poland Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots
AS Metal Romania Romania Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots 24,000
Aurubis Beerse N.V. Belgium Belgium 450 Pb, Sn Ingots 350,000
BMP "Bliznaci" OOD Bulgaria Bulgaria Al Ingots 4,800
Bolmet Recycling Sp. z o.o. Poland Poland Pb, Zn Alloy Ingots
Campine N.V. Belgium Belgium Pb Ingots, Alloy Ingots
CCALB Ltd. Albania Albania Al, Pb Ingots, Alloy Ingots 9,000
Celsa Armeringsstål AS Norway Norway 340 St Billets
Celsa Huta Ostrowiec Sp. z o.o. Poland Poland Ferrous Metals Ingots, Billets, Bars
Confal a.s. Slovakia Slovakia Al Alloy Ingots 15,000
Cynkowanie Ogniowe Oksymet Sp. z o. o. Sp. j. Poland Poland Zn Alloy Ingots
Cynkpol sp. z o. o. Poland Poland Zn Alloy Ingots
DIP Livnica d.o.o. Serbia Serbia 45 Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots 12,000
E-Max Belgium Belgium 340 Al Billets 80,000
Economides Metal Recycling Ltd. Cyprus Cyprus Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots
El Bat AD Bulgaria Bulgaria Pb Alloy Ingots
Eurometal S.A. Poland Poland Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots, Billets
Fenix Metals Sp. z o.o. Poland Poland 200 Sn Ingots 20,000
Filmar Metal Recycling sp. z o.o. Poland Poland Al Alloy Ingots
Hydro Aluminium Clervaux S.A. Luxembourg Luxembourg Al Ingots 115,000
Icomet EOOD Bulgaria Bulgaria 40 Al Alloy Ingots 2,400
Jugo-Impex d.o.o. Serbia Serbia Cu Ingots
Konger Recykling Polska Sp. z o.o. Poland Poland Al Ingots
Kovot s.r.o. Slovakia Slovakia Al, Br, Bz, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn Alloy Ingots
Kuusakoski Oy Finland Finland Al Alloy Ingots
Martin Metals Kft. Hungary Hungary Al Alloy Ingots
Medeko Cast s.r.o. Slovakia Slovakia Cu Alloy Ingots
Metal-Liv Serbia Serbia Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots
Metallco AS Norway Norway 250 Al Alloy Ingots
Metaltec Sp. z o. o Poland Poland Al, St Alloy Ingots
Metexim Ltd Armenia Armenia Al Alloy Ingots
Nicromet Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. Poland Poland 400 Al Alloy Ingots 200,000
Norsk Hydro ASA Norway Norway Al Ingots, Bars
OOO "BelTOR-Elit" Belarus Belarus Al, Br Alloy Ingots
Outokumpu Oyj Finland Finland St Ingots, Billets, Blooms, Bars
P. Carney Ltd. Ireland Ireland Al Alloy Ingots
Prodigo S.A. Poland Poland 200 Al Alloy Ingots
Proizvodstvennoye Unitarnoye Predpriyatiye "Tsvetmet" Belarus Belarus Br, Bz Alloy Ingots
Przedsiębiorstwo Metali Nieżelaznych Bobrek Sp. j. Poland Poland 250 Al Alloy Ingots 112,000
Rametal sh.p.k Albania Albania Al Alloy Ingots
Recycle Eko-Start LLC North Macedonia North Macedonia Pb Ingots, Alloy Ingots 3,500
Rezinal N.V. Belgium Belgium Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots
S.P.R.L Fonderie Jacquet Belgium Belgium Non-ferrous Metals Ingots
SC Adidrad Com Srl Romania Romania 80 Al Alloy Ingots
SC Laurex Prod SRL Romania Romania Bz Alloy Ingots
SC Metrom International SRL Romania Romania Al, Br, Bz, Pb, Sn, Zn Alloy Ingots
SealCo Sp. z o.o. Poland Poland Non-ferrous Metals Alloy Ingots
Sekundarac d.o.o. Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Non-ferrous Metals Ingots, Alloy Ingots
SIA „All recycling” Latvia Latvia Al Alloy Ingots
Stara Varoš d.o.o. Serbia Serbia Al Alloy Ingots
Zial Srl Romania Romania Al Alloy Ingots
Zodiac Sh.p.k. Albania Albania 60 Al Alloy Ingots, Billets 25,000